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Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript (20481)

Course Description
In this course students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that are required to develop Windows Store apps. This includes a combination of both design and development skills, as well as ensuring that students are comfortable using and making the most of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe review the Windows 8 platform and features, and explore the basics of a Windows app interface.
  • Create the User Interface layout and structure.
  • Apply the MVVM pattern to application design.
  • Implement the AppBar and layout controls.
  • Use templates to create the UI.
  • Use data binding to present data in the UI.
  • Handle files and streams.
  • Design and implement Process Lifetime Management (PLM).
  • Handle navigation scenarios in a Windows Store app.
  • Implement Semantic Zoom.
  • Design and implement contracts such as Search, Share and Settings.
  • Implement tiles and toast notifications in a Windows Store app.
  • Respond to mouse, keyboard and touch events, including gestures.
  • Deploy a Windows Store app to the Windows Store or an enterprise store.
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Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript

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